Why the Science Events Calendar?

Why a calendar without name days, holidays, historical war moments?

The current changes in Polish education clearly promote religiosity and nationalism among young people. The Scientific Calendar is an initiative that stands in opposition to these changes.

By presenting 365 events from the history of mankind, we prove that scientific achievements have had the greatest impact on who and where we are today.

We want to celebrate real and understandable events (which is certainly not, for example, the feast of Corpus Christi).
We do not agree with promoting war heroes as the most important figures in history, we want to shift the focus from wars to development, from destruction to creation.
National heroes should become figures who had a real impact on the whole world (such as Maria Curie-Skłodowska).

Just like last year, we send 1000 calendars for free to elementary schools, but this time also to orphanages.

During the second edition, we took into account the feedback we received from schools and from you. First of all, we increased the readability of the calendar by double-sided printing and dividing the year into two halves. Thanks to this, we can increase the font and the attractiveness of information.
A novelty is also a dozen events that took place in the world of science in 2021! They received a special icon that distinguishes them.

We invite you to support the second edition of the Scientific Calendar. You can do this via bank transfer:

Fundacja Teraz Nauka
45 1600 1462 1899 2571 0000 0001

or supporting our public fundraising on zrzutka.pl (polish language only):

If you find our idea worth supporting, your donation at will be greatly appreciated!

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